The Junior

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Junior year is here! The Sophomore: Book 2 ended on a cliffhanger, but the series is back with The Junior. Is everyone okay? Who are you moving in with? And what's next for you at Hartfeld University? Find out! This week, the intrepid team behind The Junior took the time to answer a few questions about this new book:

What's in store for everyone at Hartfeld this school year?

Saran: There’ll be love, laughs, drama, mystery, danger, betrayal, self-actualization, friendship, forgiveness, and tragedy -- but not necessarily in that order. I think this will be one of the most exciting books in the Freshman series so far. We've had so much fun writing it. I don’t want to give away too much, but players will see a whole new side of Hartfeld...

Will we meet anyone new in The Junior? Friends? Frenemies? Or someone else?

Saran: You’ll definitely be meeting new characters! Whether they’ll be your friends, frenemies, or MAYBE even lovers remains to be seen (WINK). And that’s ALL I have to say on the matter, Jessica!

College is about learning, and friendship, and so much more than your outfit. But still: Can you talk a bit about the outfits in The Junior?

Saran: New book, new look! We’ve got a completely fresh closet with a whole bunch of gorgeous outfits to choose from. One of my favorite things about working on this series is getting the chance to impose my fashion whims on the world. I myself run the style gamut from “twee librarian” to “mysterious goth,” but we like to ensure that there’s a whole range of looks available for everyone.

Sara: I think players will love the new wardrobe! Personally, I’d wear every single outfit in the closet, sooooo…

In The Junior, you move in with whoever you're dating (or the true MVP of the series, Zack). What will this next step look like?

Saran: You’ll have lived with friends (and maybe your significant other, depending on who you’re dating) since The Freshman, but moving in with just one other person is a whole other dynamic. You’ll have to navigate some of the challenges of living together (but you’ll also get to enjoy the benefits of having much more privacy). Plus, this time you’re in charge of decorating!

Personality-wise, which character do you relate to the most in The Junior?

Saran: Because I dressed up as her last Halloween, and I happen to share her now-infamous bangs hairstyle, I’m inclined to say I’ve got a bit of Becca in me. Did I make her in my image, or did she influence who I am today? It’s a real chicken-or-egg scenario. But if I’m being honest, I’m 100% Twombly. She’s an unflappable goofball and I strive to attain her level of romantic confidence.

Sara: I wanna say that I’m a hybrid of Kaitlyn/Tyler/Tripp/Edgar but that's getting ridiculous. And my love of Edgar has more to do with my passion for D&D and music than his personality. Kaitlyn/Tyler/Tripp probably covers everything already… Maybe also a little bit of James because he’s a playwright and likes big words? I can't choose!

Shayn: I relate most to James. I wish I could say that I'm edgy like Becca, but the truth is, I'm a big dork, a workaholic, and tragically nice. I also love horror movies and roller coasters like Kaitlyn, though!

At the end of The Sophomore, almost everyone declares their major, which is a pretty major (haha) decision. How did you choose your major? Do you have any advice for college students struggling to decide?

Elizabeth: Choosing my major was pretty simple. I loved reading and writing, so I chose classes that involved reading and writing. Choose a major that gives you work you enjoy doing, and will give you the skills and experience you need to pursue a job you enjoy doing.

Saran: I had already been interested in writing, so in some ways majoring in English was a pretty unsurprising decision for me. But during my freshman year especially, I considered a lot of different possible majors. Your underclassmen years are a really good time to take classes in as wide a range of subjects as you can. Ask older students for courses or professors they recommend. Take this time to experiment!

Wise words... Now that school's in, it's time to dive back into life at Hartfeld! Check out The Junior if you haven't already, and keep an eye out for more teasers for upcoming Choices books. As spring turns to summer, we've got more on the way!


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