The Crown & The Flame: Book 3 News

For everyone up to date on The Crown & The Flame, you know that Book 2 ended on a huge cliffhanger. Since then, the team behind The Crown & The Flame has been working hard on the most epic Book 3 possible. That means new characters and even more grand adventures... Kenna will be tested like never before.

The Crown & The Flame team is beyond excited for Book 3 to come out. It's currently still a work-in-progress. There's a lot of work, writing, and of course, new art that is going into this book, and we hope you'll find it worth the wait.

I wish I could tell you more, but I don't want to give too much away. Keep an eye out for Book 3 near the start of April! In the meantime, I can give you an exclusive sneak peek of what's in store. Here are some new faces you'll meet in Book 3:

A while ago, two of the writers were sketching their vision for the cover of Book 3. Of course, I had to get a picture. No promises that the cover will look anything like these sketches, but I have it on good authority that the final product is going to be incredible.

Hope you're looking forward to Book 3! And of course, more will be revealed as the release date draws near. Be sure to look out for new The Crown & The Flame adventures around the beginning of April. Thanks for your patience, and thank you so much for playing!

- Jessica

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