New Books and Update

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It's December, which means new books and a new update are coming soon! The Sophomore: Book 2 is out now, but there's more to come... Namely, Home for the Holidays, Red Carpet Diaries, and Endless Summer: Book 3! Which books are you looking forward to? Let us know!

Back in October, we updated James' look. (You can read more about this here.) As promised, we put together a list of other characters who will be getting a new look in the next update. These characters are: Ms. Twombly, Sebastian, Evan, Bill, and Keo. At the current time, we don't plan on changing any major characters or love interests. Thanks to everyone for being so understanding about these changes.

As Choices grows, the team is working on other ways to improve the game. Recently, we released the new Pin feature that lets you pin or un-pin books from your My Books section. Some books now include a timer that lets you know when new chapters are out. We hope to have every Choices book on this system in the coming months. In addition, we've got a few more changes planned to improve the quality-of-life in Choices, though they won't be immediately obvious or available to all players right away.

If you've got any questions or suggestions, be sure to reach out through Facebook message, or in-game support. We hope you'll tune in later this month for new Choices books! The holidays are here, and we can't wait to share new stories with all of you.


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