My Books

A new Choices update is available now! Be sure to go get it if you haven't already. This update is a small one, but it includes one new feature that we're really excited about!

Several months ago, the My Books section was introduced to Choices. Players reached out with their feedback, requesting a way to add or remove books to the My Books shelf. That feature is now here! To add a book to your My Books shelf, you can tap the blue pin button in the bottom right corner...

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You can also remove books from your My Books shelf by tapping the pin icon.

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Books you're currently playing through are automatically pinned in your My Books shelf.

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And there you go! Those of you keeping an eye out know that we've also got Endless Summer: Book 3 and Red Carpet Diaries on the way. What books -- new or current -- are you looking forward to? Let us know! And if you have comments, questions, or just want to say hey, you can get in touch with us via in-game message, email (, or Facebook! As always, we'd love to hear from you.


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