Immortal Desires 3

Everyone has been waiting for Immortal Desires 3 and now that it is finally out, we’re here with author Jayne for some behind the scenes fun for both VIP and Wide Release players! But first… a speed round!

Coffee or Tea?

Tea (takes a sip from ever-present mug of Barry’s Gold Blend)

Sweet or Savory?

Sweet 🍫

Brown hair or Platinum Hair?

I like both hair colors equally 😉

Super strength or super speed?

Super speed

You can only choose one to be for eternity… Werewolf or Vampire?


Vampire or Witch?

Vampire again!


I always feel like there’s not enough time in the day to do everything I want to do, and having an immortal lifespan (not to mention not needing to sleep) would definitely solve that problem. Though I wouldn’t say no to having powers like Cas too…

I definitely agree! Now, let’s dive into Immortal Desires 3! The Immortal Desires series is packed with drama, romance, and action. What’s been your favorite scene across all three books?

Jayne: Ooh this is a tough one! I think my favorite scene to write with the team was MC accidentally revealing themselves to be a vampire in Book 2 and the aftermath that follows. I love angsty drama and chaos, so having things just get worse and worse for our poor main character was really satisfying. Though there are definitely more fun scenes still to come in Book 3…

Ah, the power of being an author. 😏 If you had to describe Gabe and Cas’s dynamic with the MC in this book using only three words, what would they be?

Jayne: Devoted, evolving, complicated.

Beautiful. There are so many supernatural elements in this series—if you could have one of the MC’s abilities in real life, which would it be?

Jayne: I’d have to go with super speed. I find myself running late far too often, and super speed would help me actually get to places on time. 🫠

Super speed sounds amazing to have tbh. Okay last question, the new Power Burst collectible is so fun! Can you tell us what makes this one special?

Jayne: Immortal Desires 3 has some mysterious new characters with a close relationship with the natural world. The Power Burst collectible reflects this, with each rune you find providing a power from a different element in nature.

Thanks so much for your time with us Jayne! I can’t wait to have ALL the powers. We hope everyone enjoys collecting their runes and spending time with their Immortal Desires crew! Until next time…

<3 The Community Team 

shaelene sager