A Holiday of Choices
This December we’re super excited to be celebrating a Holiday of Choices with you. We’ve been growing our team and our newest writers have been preparing a two-part holiday special for The Freshman and are helping us plan for Book 3 of the Freshman. We’ll also be increasing the number of Choices series in December from 4 to 7!
Our 5th series is launching within the next two weeks. Endless Summer was designed as an escape for players facing chilly winters. In this tropical island mystery, you’ll meet Quinn, Jake, Diego, Michelle, Sean, and others. I played chapter one for the first time last week and loved it. I think many of you will, too!
(Notice which Fox color the writers picked!)
Our 6th series, #LoveHacks, will follow the lives of 6 friends in San Francisco. It's a fun, heartwarming story that will be especially beloved by fans of The Freshman.
Our 7th series, targeted for the end of the month, introduces a new genre to Choices. One that’s a pretty major departure from our existing series - Horror!
Make sure to check back every week this month to enjoy a Holiday of Choices with us!
Oliver, Endless Summer's newest fan!